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Scheduling & Registration



  • Registration is accomplished in a few simple steps:

  • First, contact us at Complete details will be shared upon direct inquiry. 

  • Once you decide you'd like to move forward and register, you'll be asked to

    • A. Submit tuition (a commitment to 4 lessons is required to start).

    • B. Provide a signed copy of our Planned Absence Policy. It's a short document which is enforced, so it's important to read it. 




Regular lesson slots:
Most lessons slots are weekly for one half hour. There are also limited spots available for alternating week lesson slots. Weekly hour long lesson slots are available for serious singers, but only at our invitation.


Each teacher has different availability which we will discuss in our "getting started" email conversation. Some of us may have open slots that work for you immediately, while others may need to offer a spot on their waiting list. How that option works is outlined in the next paragraph.

Cancellation/Waiting List:

If you are on one of our cancellation or waiting lists, you are first in line for the next regular weekly opening that occurs for that teacher. Your scheduling would be planned in other students' cancelled lesson times. Openings occur when, in keeping with our studio cancellation policy, students inform us of their absences ahead of time. For scheduling, we will be in touch by email or text.  Openings sometimes arise the day before the possible lesson, but often we have more lead time.

What's Available: 

Lessons with Laurie Nelson:

If Laurie Nelson has open space at the time of your inquiry, she will get you on the schedule. She also keeps a waiting list with cancellation scheduling. Specific teaching days and availability will be shared in your "getting started" email conversation.

Faculty Studios:
We are fortunate to offer lessons with several gifted teaching artists. Each trained here, is well versed in NVTM, and is highly qualified. See About Us for more information. NM Productions' teachers meet regularly for round table discussions on techniques, challenges, etc. We have a strong family vibe here at NM Productions.


Acting Lessons:

We encourage singers who are interested in musical theatre and/or opera, to take advantage of our acting studio. In today's world, it is an essential skill and the difference between getting cast or getting lost in the crowd. Our instructors are skilled, informed, patient and encouraging. 


Music Skills:

To improve the speed with which you develop your repertoire notebook and to improve outcomes for auditions requiring sight reading, we suggest you consider a series of sessions with our award winning music skills educator, Alice Boyars. The most consistent reaction to lessons with Alice is surprise that music theory and sight singing can be fun! 

Payment Information:

Accepted modes of payment are PayPal or Zelle. PayPal charges small fees. Zelle is a free app available through most online banking. Exact links and amounts (if PayPal) will be shared upon registration.


Payment Schedule for Cancellation Scheduling:

If we are scheduling lessons in cancellation times, payments will be made in groups of 4 lessons.


Reserving a Weekly Slot: 

To reserve a permanent weekly lesson time, payment will be due at the first lesson of each month for all lessons scheduled that month. Most months, there will be four lessons, but some months there will be five. If a student also takes acting lessons, it's fine to include payment in one check, but please make a note of how you want the funds to be applied so that we credit your payment correctly.


If we are changing from cancellations to a weekly time slot, we will send a reminder of this change in payment schedule.


Cancellation Notice and Credits:

Lessons cancelled with adequate notice will be credited to the following month, and you should adjust your payment accordingly.  If late notice is given, while we do appreciate the heads up, you remain responsible for the lesson time. Please see our cancellation policy for details on what is considered late notice.

When It's Time To Stop Lessons:

If life changes for any reason, or you're leaving for college, you move, etc., the time may come when it's time to hit the pause button on your training. Please  give us as much notice as you are able.


We will expect you to complete the lessons you have already paid for, whether in person on your regular schedule,  rescheduled to a different day/time, or perhaps to be  completed online. Whatever is best for your situation is fine.  


You will have 3 months to reschedule your remaining lessons in whichever format you need. You can also opt to abandon those lessons, but know we are happy to work with you to avoid that. Usually, you will you know that last date ahead of time. Just email us with your final lesson date and pay tuition through the final lesson, regardless of where in the month it falls.



Current rates will be shared via email, along with specifics on registration. Contact Rate changes are infrequent; if a rate change is to occur, fair notice is given.

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